JavaScript Socket API

JavaScript Socket API Chat Library that correspond to processes that transform your Custom Channel into a fully functional AI Chatbot.

This is the Chat Library of the JavaScript Socket API that is currently available and compatible with the Captivate Chat platform. These are all intended to create processes that will transform your Custom Channel into a full-blown AI Chatbot.

They are also available here.


This JavaScript Socket API is advisable to be used by developers familiar with the product or service you want to transform into a Custom Channel.

Please provide this page to them so they can conduct proper testing with the Custom Channel you want to create.

Basic Setup

Import and initialize the API client:

import { CaptivateChatAPI } from 'captivate-chat-api';

const api = new CaptivateChatAPI('YOUR_API_KEY');

// Connect to the WebSocket server
await api.connect();

Create a Conversation

Create a new conversation with the following options:

  1. Basic setup with just a user ID:

    const conversation = await api.createConversation('user123');
  2. Include user information and custom data:

    const conversation = await api.createConversation(
        name: 'John Doe',
        email: ''
        customField: 'value'
      'user-first' // Start the conversation with user-first or bot-first mode

Send and Receive Messages

  1. Send a message to the conversation:

    await conversation.sendMessage('Hello!');
  2. Listen for responses:

    conversation.onMessage((message, type) => {
      console.log(`${type}: ${message}`);

Handle Events

Use event listeners to handle various updates, errors, or custom actions:

  1. Error handling:

    conversation.onError((error) => {
      console.error('Error:', error);
  2. Updates on conversation status:

    conversation.onConversationUpdate((update) => {
      console.log('Conversation Update:', update);
  3. Handling custom actions:

    conversation.onActionReceived((actions) => {
      console.log(`Actions:`, actions);

Get Conversation History

Retrieve the transcript of a conversation:

const transcript = await conversation.getTranscript();
console.log('Transcript:', transcript);

Delete Conversation

Delete the current conversation

const transcript = await conversation.delete();
console.log('Deleted conversation');

Retrieve User Conversations

Fetch a list of conversations associated with a specific user ID:

const conversations = await api.getUserConversations('user123');
console.log('User Conversations:', conversations);
 Returns Conversation Object

Delete User Conversations

Delete list of conversations associated with a specific user ID:

const conversations = await api.deleteUserConversations('user123');
console.log('Conversations Deleted successfully');
 Throws error if failed

Last updated

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