Import Your Own Information
Upload data for your AI Chatbot to ingest as part of its knowledgebase.
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Upload data for your AI Chatbot to ingest as part of its knowledgebase.
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After you give your AI Chatbot a name and a logo, it's time to give it basic resources to learn from.
It's in the Import Your Own Information page where you will establish your AI Chatbot's knowledgebase by uploading data.
Importing your own information or uploading your data is the most important step in AI Chatbot creation. This is what the bot uses to answer user questions.
Make sure the information you will include has everything you want the Chatbot to use as a reference. In-depth sources can provide more accurate and reliable responses from your new Chatbot.
The more the merrier!
Think of this process as building the encyclopedia your Chatbot will rely on when answering customers. Since your Chatbot is an "intelligent" model, it knows how to combine information from different sources. This is where you come in. The more resources you provide, the more information your Chatbot can access when creating responses!
An Import pop-up window should appear. You can either:
Import: Click or drag PDF files (up to 100MB) that contains important information that your Chatbot should know. You can drag multiple files at once by selecting a group of files and dragging them all to the file import area.
Direct Input: List a set of URLs (one URL per line) that will become the basis of the knowledge of your Chatbot.
URL Crawler: Use a built-in web crawler to gather a group of URLs based on a root URL provided. Learn more about the URL Crawler here: URL Crawler
Import limit
We limit the number of imports to support a combination of up to 20 Files and URLs.
Only PDF files allowed
We only support PDF files as of the moment. If you have data in some other format such as a DOCX (MS Word) or PPTX (MS Powerpoint) file, simply save those files as PDFs and import the PDF file.
Please be patient. The time taken to import a PDF file or URL is dependent upon the size of the file or webpage. You can return to import further information or remove information at any time.
Import again whenever you make updates!
When you upload your resources to an AI Chatbot, they are only ingested in their instance as of that moment. This means the AI Chatbot doesn't auto-ingest your URL or PDF if you make any updates.
If you make any major changes to your resources, disable their original iteration and import the updated versions to your AI Chatbot.
An additional feature in our Import Your Own Information page is the ability to force your AI Chatbot to only use data it can gather from your resources instead of getting more insights from the internet. This can be done by toggling Active/Inactive at the right-hand side of the screen.
The AI Chatbot will take note of this and behave as requested in most circumstances but like us humans may not be able to help itself sometimes. Adjust any prompts accordingly to maximize the functionality of this toggle.
Another feature in our Import Your Own Information page is the Enables Citations feature. This is located as a toggle on the right side of the page. It has two options:
Enabled: Setting "Enable Citations" to "Enabled" will make the AI Chatbot send a message with its sources whenever it responds to users. These sources are taken from the information ingested by the AI Chatbot. If the source was ingested as a URL, it will be clickable.
Disabled: Setting "Enable Citations" to "Disabled" will not make the AI Chatbot send a message with its sources whenever it responds.
Above is a conversation with a Web Widget with "Enable Citations" set as "Enabled." Whenever AI Chatbot responds to the user, it sends two responses:
The first response is the answer to the user query.
The second response is the source of its answers. Sources are clickable if they originated as URLs that the AI Chatbot creator uploaded during the AI Chatbot creation process.
Once information has been ingested by your AI Chatbot, you can use the Import Your Own Information page to edit those specific data. You can do these options:
Checkbox Select: Click the checkbox beside the file name of the data you ingested to select that individual data. Alternatively, click the checkbox beside the Name column to select all data from that page.
Status Toggle: You can toggle the status of your data in Import Your Own Information as Active or Inactive:
Active: Toggling Status as Active means your AI Chatbot will use this file to get data for its responses.
Inactive: Toggling Status as Inactive means your AI Chatbot will not use this file to get data for its responses.
Delete: Click the Delete button beside the Import button to delete the selected file from your AI Chatbot's ingested data. This is only clickable after you select data using the checkbox beside the file name (to select specifc data) or beside the Name column (to select all data).
To visit the Import Your Own Information page, you need to click the button on the side bar of the AI Chatbot creation process.
Start the import process by clicking the button.
Once you have completed the files or webpages you want to import click on the button.
You will be asked to pay a number of tokens to ingest the URL or PDF you've just uploaded. Click to proceed.
After clicking the button, you will then see a list of the files or URL(s) being imported. Wait patiently as the information is ingested. Here are the status updates throughout the importation process:
Once your data has been imported, click .
Or, click to go to the My AI Chatbots page where you can choose your AI Chatbot or make a new one.
Alternatively, you can choose to save your changes and go back to Setup > My AI Chatbots.